• People Heart & Healthcare Center
  • peoplehearthealth@gmail.com
  • (91) 9772365365
Mr. Babu Lal Kumawat, Age-59
Mr. Babu Lal Kumawat, Age-59
I felt heaviness and shortness of breath while walking, I had to sit 2-3 times in a 1 kms walk. I thought I had some heart problem, I came to know about People heart center from my neighbour, who has taken treatment from Dr. Chetan Sahrma. I took and appointment and went to Meet Dr. Chetan Sharma, He advised me for CT Coronary angiography and Echo test. I did CT Angiogram. It shown 3 blockages. LAD-70%, RCA-90% and LCx-30%. Doctor Chetan Sharma advised me for EECP and BDT Treatments along with some lifestyle changes. I took 40 days treatment from People heart center, After initial 8-10 sessions of EECP, I started getting relief and after full treatment my symptoms disappears, Now I walk 8-8 kilometers in morning evening without any problem, I lost 16 kilograms of weight. After the treatment my stress thallium scan shows good blood supply in my heart as well. I want to say if you have any heart problem, please consult to Dr.Chetan Sharma, You can be saved from heart surgery.
Mr. Ramavatar Khandelwal, Age-63
Mr. Ramavatar Khandelwal, Age-63
I had breathlessness while walking 2 months back in Jan21. I consulted to cardiologist, who told me to go for an Angiography. I didn't want that, so doctor told to go for a CT Coronary Angiography, 2 blockages are there in my heart arteries, then doctor advised me for Angioplasty. One of my known told my son that there is a treatment called EECP, which is also an option. He also told us about People Heart and Healthcare Center and Dr. Chetan Sharma. I went to consult Doctor sahab. Dr. Chetan saw my all reports and told me not to worry and explained me about heart disease and my condition and about EECP Treatment and Chelation therapy. I took 40 days treatment at people heart center along with complete lifestyle management program as guided by Dr. Sahab. After 40 days my stress thallium scan was done which shows full blood supply in my heart tubes. Now I walk 45-45 minutes in morning and evening. I have no pain, no breathlessness now. I am very satisfied with the treatment and with all staff of people heart center Jaipur and I want to tell you if you face any problem regarding heart, consult to Dr. Chetan Sir once. Thanks
Mr. Om Prakash Nama, Age-64
Mr. Om Prakash Nama, Age-64
I had a heart attack in June-2019, We went to hospital, Doctors did angiography, there were 4-5 blockages in three arteries, Doctors planted 3 stents, one in LAD, one in RCA and one in OM1, As I am a diabetic person, Doctors told us that after 1 year we will do angiography again to check the status of stents. In July 2020 doctors did my angiography again, we all were surprised that my RCA stent was reblocked about 90%, and 2 more blockages were also there in my heart arteries. We became tensed that time. This time doctors advised for a Bypass surgery, But I refused that. We were searching for some alternative treatment, after 2-3 days, one of my friend told us about People Heart Center and EECP Treatmet, we took appointment and went there to meet Dr. Chetan Sharma. After examining my all reports doctor explained me about EECP treatment and its benefits. I took 40 days EECP at People heart and healthcare along with zero oil food, yoga, walk as directed by Dr. Chetan Sharma. After 40 days my thallim scan was done that shows 100% blood supply in my heart, my diabetes was also improved. I give my sincere thanks to People heart center and all the staff for saving me from bypass surgery.
Mr. Satish Bahal, Age-73
Mr. Satish Bahal, Age-73
I had severe chest pain in 2017, My son rushed me to hospital, there doctors did ECG and Trop-T Test. They told my family that I had a severe heart attack, Doctors did angiography and find 4 blockages in my heart arteries my heart pumping was only 20%, Doctors told us for a bypass surgery and also told us about the risk. We came back to home and started searching for some other ways. Then from our family friend we came to know about Dr. Chetan Sharma, we went to meet Dr. Sahab. He explained us about EECP Treatment and lifestyle management to follow. I took EECP Treatment for 40 days on an hour / day basis along with complete medicine and lifestyle management as guided by Dr. Chetan Sharma. Till now 4 years have been passed. I Walk 40 minutes every day. I have no pain, no breathlessness and my heart pumping also improved from 20% to 35%. I am very thankful to Dr. Chetan Sharma. He has started his own EECP Treatment set up with the name of People Heart and Health Care Center, located at New sanganer road. Sodala.
Mr. Vishnu Pareek, Age-49
Mr. Vishnu Pareek, Age-49
In Dec'2016, I had a heart problem, I went to SMS Hospital. Doctors did Angiography. 3 blockages were found in my heart arteries, 70%, 90% & 100%, Three stents were implanted in a same artery and I was advised for early Bypass surgery after 15 days. I didn't went for Bypass. I was searching some altervative treatment. Meanwhile I came to know about Dr. Chetan Sharma, I went to meet him. He explained me about EECP treatment and lifestyle changes. I took 40 days treatment and followed lifestyle changes as guided by Dr.Sahab. Today I feel completely alright, I walk for 8-10 kms now and following healthy lifstyle. My blockages also reduced by 20-30%.
Mr. Vijay Kumar, Age-30
Mr. Vijay Kumar, Age-30
On 2nd Feb 2019, When I came out from gym, I felt some uneasiness and darkness came in front of my eyes. My B.P. was checked it was low. I went to nearby hospital, they did primary treatment, Then I went to meet cardiologist he did TMT test. It was positive then an angiogram was done. It showed a heart attack and 3 artery blockages and multiple small blockages. In echo test my heart function LVEF was only 45%. I was advised for a Bypass surgery. I was much tensed that time. Mean while my wife's office staff told me about Dr. Chetan Sharma. I went to meet him. Dr. Chetan explained me my disease and about EECP and chelation treatment and He told me to take treatments. I was much relaxed after meeting with Dr. Chetan Shrama. I took 40 days treatment and followed lifestyle as guided by Doctor Sir. After treatments I went thorough stress thallium test and it showed 80% improvement in my heart blood flow and my heart function also increased to 50-55%. Today I feel completely comfortable and following healthy lifestyle. I also lost 15 kilograms of weight. Dr. Chetan has opened his own clinic People Heart & Health Care Center. I am thankfully to Dr. Sahab and advised every heart patient to meet People heart care.
Mr. Yogesh Sharma, Age-73
Mr. Yogesh Sharma, Age-73
I had 5 blockages in my heart arteries. I was advised for Bypass surgery but I choose non invasive heart treatments. I have taken treatment from Dr. Chetan Sharma. He is outstanding doctor. Heart treatment without surgery EECP is very effective for heart patients. It is a non operative procedure for 35 to 40 days on 1 hour per day basis. I followed the lifestyle as guided by Dr. Chetan Sharma. I have lost 22 Kgs of my weight. Earlier I had chest pain and heaviness on exertion. After the treatments ,Now I am completely all right, healthy and following oil free good and heart healthy lifestyle. I advice to all heart patients - Come and Consult at People Heart & Health Care for you heart disease problem